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 Cyberwar Attack Protection  Defense  
Protection / Defense


hazard Class

in preparation

in preparation

in preparation

The protection or the defense
These objects represent the pinnacle in the cybernetic war (cyberwar) represents
If we analyze the press releases issued on the current "attacks in the cybernetic space (cyberspace), it becomes apparent that a lack of defense or defense systems were the main cause for a successful attack.

It's well known already from the military conflicts since ancient times, plays the crucial role of the defense or defense.
 Why should not this also apply to a cybernetic war (cyberwar)?

  After all, when it comes to success, use any means. This also applies in the virtual space, or not?

 How is it such a beautiful saying: "For the safety of everyone is responsible". Yes, everybody is responsible, which is relevant for everyone involved in the cybernetic space (cyberspace).

 Are these cybernetic space has been around for several decades, but only after the spectacular cases like, Stuxnet or other occurred, seems a bit of exercise to get into this issue.

This movement is particularly evident in 3 states, the United States of America, Russia and China. Here, the first two states are taking the lead in this development.
This is achieved by appropriate order of the President to protect the national security very much.

 In these States recognize the importance of the defense or the defense against attacks on these countries, with disastrous consequences for the people and for the economy.

This can also show, among other things with numbers, the harm that the National economy has taken. Thus, U.S. companies, damaged within a year, between 100 million and 600 million U.S. $. The total amount of loss can not be quantified, as can the damages for patent losses or losses in technology products of military technology compute very imprecise.

All these claims have. Their sole determinant in a deficient defense or defense against all forms of attacks on the respective cybernetic units (Cyber-Unit) The establishment of systems of cybernetic defense or defense can not be the task of the companies which produce such values ​​for GDP (gross industrial product).

 This can only be a general government task, because the development of a new "cybernetic defense" requires huge resources. Maybe you can perform this task with the "Manhattan - Project" compare to the development of the first atomic bomb.
However, at the present level. It would be the cost of the "cybernetic defense" that of Manhattan - exceed project "perhaps 1000 times Based on today's prices, the effort required to computer services would be very large, the innovation for the creation of such systems can only powerful.. States are shouldered. because, in addition to the financial and technical resources is a huge human effort required. This requires powerful universities and other educational institutions that produce the required number of experts (specialists).
 At the same time, the development has a problem, because every 3 years, the performance of the cybernetic space (cyberspace) is increased by a factor of 10
It also comes here to the famous race between the hare and the tortoise, between the attacker and the defender.

 This race has already begun. Wherever they are, they define themselves