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   Cyberwar    The attack     The defense   The retaliatory
Cyberwar or cybernetic war

What could be the cybernetic war (cyberwar)?

  Through the use of cybernetic weapons in the cybernetic space - about the connected cybernetic hardware and software units - the connected equipment for production processes, financial processes, services, health, energy production and distribution systems, etc., these are sustainable destroy, so that the attacked a large to very large damage.

The extremum of the damage can be compared with the use of Thermonuclear weapons. The result is the same.

Your cybernetic hardware and software, they can perhaps use yet, but the value-added units are junk. This also applies to the financial sector.

It lacks only the nucleare contamination.

The characteristic of this war is the "Destruction" of the cybernetic entities controlled by value-added systems. These systems include a very wide range, from power plants, power distribution systems, production controls, production lines and systems across the financial industry.

In doubt, but why for twenty years or longer are cybernetic weapons for sabotage and espionage developed. But not only to threaten, if you do not follow, then we use these weapons. So you know where these weapons can be used effectively, it is given to the cybernetic "spies" a. They are the required advance team in the cybernetic space.

As you know from many publications, very successful!

The cyberwar has not started yet, but there have been only a few skirmishes