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 Recht Recht im Cyberspace Allgemeine Ausführunge Gesprächsrunden

This Right of the Cyberspace or the cybernetic room

The goods of the Middle Ages are the information of the 20th century

The Transatlantikkabel did 14 as an example of the ways to goods more modernly



Deutsch english

Right of the Cyberspace or the cybernetic room

For almost forty years has there been this cybernetic room. Within these years the technical system of the communication - the Internet - has developed explosively. This development permanently makes faster progress. With the permanent development of new technologies the significance for the for mankind and grows the world economy. Without this development the worldwide growth would be reduced.

We are worldwide dependent on this system.

But by which regulations this system is regulated worldwide legally.

Or there are these regulations only in the national "rag rug". Or every country regulates the legal regulations in this worldwide room in responsibility of its own, said differently.

There are the question, which internationally obligatory regulations for the "product" information therefore.

Question: Which international regulations are? information to webmaster@gocs.de