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INDICTOR is a half duplex embeddable COMSEC device used to secure digital voice or data traffic. It consists of a single custom CMOS LLSI chip. The INDICTOR module incorporates the SAVILLE I and PADSTONE algorithms. It also contains the CORDOBA algorithm which provides security for sensitive but unclassified traffic. INDICTOR is cryptographically interoperable with the KY-57/58, KYV-2,
KYV-5, KG-84, WINDSTER, and STU-III. It is presently being embedded into the SUNBURST II and PRC-112 radios, and several other tactical equipment. INDICTOR also provides "receive-only" re-key operations interoperable with KY-57/58, KYV-5, WINDSTER, and RAILMAN equipment. It operates at speeds up to 1 Mbps.

This embeddable module may be used with voice/data equipment, such as mobile telephones, modems, and/or hand-held radios. It is approved for use at all classification levels. The authorized vendor is Motorola, Government Equipment Corporation. The cost is $250 each (Qty. 1-100) (full compliance with Mil-Spec 80-83) and $180 each any quantities over 100.