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KG - 75
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KG - 75
The FASTLANE ® (KG-75) encryptor provides high-speed, transparent, low-latency security services for multimedia applications across both local and wide area asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. FASTLANE provides an effective solution because of its ability to take advantage of ATM's bandwidth-on-demand services. FASTLANE supports a variety of communication modes (i.e., voice, video, data, and imagery) with flexibility and robust key management. It provides authentication plus end-to-end protection of user information at all levels up to TOP SECRET/sensitive compartmented information (SCI). The encryptor supports point-to-point and point-to-multipoint (multicast) communications, switched and permanent virtual circuits, simplex and duplex communications.

Support includes up to 4,094 simultaneous, cryptographically isolated ATM connections. The FASTLANE encryptors may be nested, allowing for the creation of cryptographically isolated networks to operate at different security levels. FASTLANE may support an individual user, a multi-user computer based group or a Local Area Network. Rekeying can be accomplished either electronically or through traditional means.

For each connection, FASTLANE dynamically generates the traffic keys. This approach, isolating the connections and using different keys for each connection, gives you greater security than a bulk encryptor's single key for all connections. During those phases when the FASTLANE is not operational the user crypto-ignition key (CIK) can be removed. With the key removed, FASTLANE reverts to an unclassified/ CCI (controlled COMSEC item).
