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KG - 235

The Sectéra In-Line Network Encryptor (INE) is specifically designed to support IP/Ethernet operating over standard commercial networks requiring U.S. Government Type 1 security. It protects all levels of data, including Government Classified up through TS/SCI by providing confidentiality, data integrity, peer identification, authentication and mandatory/discretionary access control services.

This device is software configured using the new Sectéra INE Configuration Manager and is keyed using material supplied by the U.S. Government's Electronic Key Management System (EKMS), for Type 1 product. Physical and electronic key distribution is supported. Utilizing General Dynamics' Advanced INFOSEC Machine (AIM) technology, the Sectéra INE provides a high assurance security design approach as well as a very flexible application set defined by the software. The Sectéra In-Line Network Encryptor is fully software re-programmable. It allows the introduction of new features, algorithms and software maintenance.

The Sectéra INE is compatible with the Network Encryption Systems (NES) already in service. It also has been designed to meet the new U.S. Government standards for security and network operations based on the Internet security and key management protocols IPsec/IKE. The architecture has been designed to be software upgradeable to the future High Assurance IP Interface Specification (HAIPIS).


Photo courtesy General Dymanics